Introducing Strings Attached

December 25, 2014

Publika Day 4!

Hi lovely people!!  
First of all, we would like to wish everyone a joyous Merry Christmas.  May you have a blessed celebration with family and friends.  If you don't celebrate Christmas, then have a good holiday :)
Anyway, yesterday, on December 24th, we had our fourth gig (out of 5) at Publika.  There were less people, which was understandable because it was during lunch hour, and also, people probably preparing for Christmas eve.

As we mentioned before, Ayeshah and Sophia were not around, so Aizat and Ershad took over their spot.  It went fine as usual.  We played some Christmas songs, Classical and pop songs.
Those who walked pass us seemed to enjoy it and it didn't matter how few people watched us, as long as there's one people enjoying the music, we will be grateful :)

So, tomorrow, on December 26, will be our very last performance at Publika, and quite possibly the last gig of the year.  Unless, of course, something last minute comes up.
Whatever may happen, we enjoyed playing at Publika, and are looking forward for our final show tomorrow from 12-1pm ^_^

Picture from yesterday:

we kinda looked good in green, don't you think so?
Until next time...

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