Introducing Strings Attached

December 02, 2014

Gigs at Publika

Hey lovely people!

Yes, we are back again.  Throughout this month, we will be performing 5 times at The Boulevard at Publika.  Well, we just had our first one on November 30th, so 4 more to go!
You can come to watch and support us on:

December 7 @ 3pm
December 21 @ 7pm
December 24 and 26 @ 12pm

I must say, that December is a busy month, so, the only day where all four of us can play is on December 21!  So that will be an interesting one!

Here are the pictures from the our last performance on November 30th!  Thanks to the talented Aizat who will be seating in for Ayeshah for every performance that she couldn't play.

the cool audience who sat down to watch us

us in action

us in action part 2

group shot

Aizat the violist

Sophia the cellist

Po Ann the violinist

Wani the violinist

Group shot part 2
More updates coming up soon.  
Stay tuned.  Do come and support us at Publika if you have some free time to spare ^_^

Until next time.


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