Introducing Strings Attached

December 26, 2014

Last Gig @ Publika

Hi lovely people!
How's your holiday going?
Yesterday, we played at Publika for the last time.  It was a really fun one because the people enjoyed our playing, we enjoyed playing for them as well.  It was really fun.
We admit, playing in shopping malls usually not the easiest thing to do because they are usually noisy, and for string quartet, we rely on listening to each other a lot.  So, when we can't really hear ourselves because of the surrounding noise, it can get challenging.  Nevertheless, we had fun and we are truly grateful at the positive response from people around us.

With that said, yesterday's gig at Publika officially became our last gig of 2014 :')
What an amazing year it has been for all of us.
So, to recap, here are 5 pictures, for all 5 days we played at Publika.

 Last but not least, a very special thanks to Aizat for sitting in for Ayeshah when she was not around, and as well as Ershad for sitting in for Sophia when she was not around.  It was really fun working with both of you guys.

Well, until next time.
Have a great time for the rest of 2014.

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