Introducing Strings Attached

September 04, 2014

Update of FB Cover!

Hello people!

We decided to update our FB cover photo.  Considering our FB Profile Page picture only contains our logo, why not include our faces in the cover photo.

This is not a recent picture, unfortunately :(
Well, honestly, life as a quartet group has been rather slow lately.  Everyone is currently busy that it is quite difficult to gather and do something together.  Hopefully, in the near future, we will get an event to play for.

To those who don't know our Facebook page, you can find it at the side of this blog.  Just press the link and it will direct you to the Facebook page.

As for future projects, at this moment, our plan is to do a new recording of our playing.  Because, as some of you might know, Sophia just joined us, after Jennifer left to pursue her studies in Singapore.  So, we don't have any recordings with Sophia in it.  So, that is our plan for now.  Hope to get that done before the year ends.  

Till then.  See you later ^_^

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