Introducing Strings Attached

September 24, 2014

Italian Opera - L'Elisir d'Amore

As you can clearly see in the poster above, DPac will become a host to an Italian Opera performance called L'Eliser d'Amore (The Elixir of Love).  It is not a common thing to have an opera performance here in Malaysia, so this is definitely something you all will want to watch.  On top of that, one of our group member, Wani Ismail, the violinist, will be playing along side the orchestra that will accompany the opera.  The performance will be held on October 8,9,11 and 12.  With the one on the 12th as afternoon concert.  Do come and support them!  They all work really hard for this concert.  Besides, it's not everyday you get to see an Italian Opera here in Malaysia!  It's fun!  Come and watch them give their best show ^_^

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